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川村 誠(准教授) |
竹中 昂平(帝塚山大学経済経営学部・助教,元PD研究員)
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京井 尋佑(総合地球環境学研究所・研究員,博士後期課程修了)
- Kyoi, S., Kuriyama, K., & Hashimoto, S. (2023). People’s heterogeneous preferences for future development scenarios: a case study of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Sustainability Science, 1-18.
- Kyoi, S., Kuriyama, K., & Hashimoto, S. (2023). Relationship between the actual environmental landscape surrounding residents and their willingness to pay for the landscape: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 100531.
- Kyoi, S. (2023). Utilization of urban agriculture to enhance urban sustainability: investigating people’s heterogeneous preferences for proximity to urban agriculture through a choice experiment. Sustainability Science.
- Iwata, K., Kyoi, S., and Ushifusa, Y. (2023). Public attitudes of offshore wind energy in Japan: An empirical study using choice experiments. Cleaner Energy Systems, 100052.
- Kyoi, S., Fujino, M., and Kuriyama, K. (2022). Investigating spatially autocorrelated consumer preference for multiple ecolabels: Evidence from a choice experiment. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 7, 100083.
- その他の業績はresearchmapを参照
嶌田 栄樹(産業技術総合研究所・研究員,博士後期課程修了)
- Do monetary rewards for spatial coordination enhance participation in a forest incentive program? Ecological Economics, 177, 106789, 2020.
- Default effect versus active decision: Evidence from a field experiment in Los Alamos , European Economic Review, 128, 103498, 2020. (with Wenjie Wang and Takanori Ida)
- Experimental economic analysis on environmental policy in agriculture: a comparison between monetary and non-monetary support systems, Journal of Rural Economics, 91(1): 59-64, 2019. (with Koichi Kuriyama, Yosuke Nakatsuka, Masaya Fujino and Masao Fukutomi) (in Japanese)
- Efficiency analysis of thinning based on daily reports of forest operations: the case of Hiyoshi, Japan, Journal of Forest Research, 22(6): 348-353, 2017. (with Masaya Fujino and Koichi Kuriyama)
村上 佳世(関西学院大学経済学部・准教授,元PD研究員)
- K. Murakami, H. Shimada, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2022) Heterogeneous treatment effects of nudge and rebate: Causal machine learning in a field experiment on electricity conservation, International Economic Review, forthcoming.
- K. Murakami, N. Itsubo, and K. Kuriyama (2022) Explaining the diverse values assigned to environmental benefits across countries, Nature Sustainability. (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-022-00914-8)
- Murakami, K., Itsubo, N., K. Kuriyama, K. Yoshida, and K. Tokimatsu (2017) Development of weighting factors for G20 countries Part 2: Estimation of willingness to pay and annual global damage cost.The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
- Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2016) Electricity demand response in Japan: Experimental evidence from a residential photovoltaic power-generation system. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 51(6), 73-88.
- Murakami, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka, and L. Friedman (2015) Consumers’ willingness to pay for renewable and nuclear energy: A comparative analysis between the US and Japan. Energy Economics, 50, 178-189. (GSPP at UCB Working Paper, August 2014)
- 村上佳世・丸山達也・林健太・行本雅(2013)消費者の知識と信念の更新―オーガニック・ラベルのコンジョイント分析,日本経済研究,68, 23-43.
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蒲谷 景(立教大学経済学部,博士後期課程修了)
- Kabaya, K. (2021). Empirical analysis of associations between health expenditure and forest environments: A case of Japan. Ecological Economics, 181, 106927.
- Kabaya, K. (2020). Opposite impacts of policy and payment consequentiality treatments on willingness-to-pay in a contingent valuation study. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-14.
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久保 雄広(国立環境研究所研究員,博士後期課程修了)
- Kubo, T., Shoji, Y. (2016) Public segmentation based on the risk perception of brown bear attacks and management preferences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62 (2), 203-210, Springer.
- Soga, M., Yamaura, Y., Aikoh, T., Shoji, Y. Kubo, T., Gaston, KJ. (2015) “Reducing the extinction of experience: association between urban form and recreational use of public greenspace.” Landscape and Urban Planning 143,69-75, ELSEVIER.
- Kubo, T., Shoji, Y. (2014) “Spatial tradeoffs between residents’ preferences for brown bear conservation and the mitigation of human-bear conflicts.” Biological Conservation 176, 126-132, ELSEVIER.
- Kubo, T., Shoji, Y. (2014) “Trade-off between Human-wildlife Conflict Risk and Recreation Conditions.” European Journal of Wildlife Research 60 (3), 501-510, Springer.
- その他の業績は、researchmapを参照
今村 航平(東京大学アジア生物資源環境研究センター・研究員,元PD研究員)
- Imamura, K., Takano, K.T., Mori, N.,Nakashizuka, T., and Managi, S(2016). “Attitudes toward disaster-prevention risk in Japanese coastal areas: Analysis of civil preference”, Natural Hazards 82(1): 209-226.
- その他の業績は、researchmapを参照
藤野 正也(福島大学食農学類・准教授,元PD研究員)
- 藤野正也(2016)「作業集約で小規模森林をまとめて経営-京都府日吉町の事例から」農業と経済 82(12)、8-15頁.
- 藤野正也(2016)「わが国の森林・林業政策に適した PES の設計」環境経済・政策研究 9(2)、55-58頁.
- 藤野正也、渡辺亮介、近藤稔、山口浩和、白井漸(2015)「主索ウインチ付スイングヤーダによる集材作業で発生する残存木の損傷」森林利用学会誌 30(4)、153-157頁.<森林利用学会 学術奨励賞受賞論文>
- その他の業績は、 researchmapを参照
伊藤 伸幸(新潟大学経済学部・准教授,元PD研究員)
- Nobuyuki Ito, Kenji Takeuchi, Takahiro Tsuge, and Atsuo Kishimoto, “Applying threshold models to donations to a green electricity fund”, Energy Policy 38 (4), April 2010, pp.1819-1825.
- Nobuyuki Ito, Kenji Takeuchi, Koichi Kuriyama, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, and Yohei Mitani, “The Influence of Decision-making Rules on Individual Preferences for Ecological Restoration: Evidence from an Experimental Survey”, Ecological Economics 68 (8-9), June 2009, pp.2426-2431
- その他の業績は、researchmapを参照
吉田 友美(立正大学経済学部准教授,元PD研究員)
- Too Cheap to Eat: The Signaling Effect of Price on Food Safety, International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 4, 174-184, 2009. (with Kenji Takeuchi, Masanobu Ishikawa, Risa Kojima)
- リサイクル行動の規定要因とその社会的便益 『廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌』第20巻第5号, 332-341, 2009.
- その他の業績は、 researchmapを参照
黒川 瞬(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 知識科学系 助教,元PD研究員)
- Kurokawa, S. (2016a). Does imperfect information always disturb the evolution of reciprocity? Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 7, 14-16. (doi:10.5178/lebs.2016.43)
- Kurokawa, S. (2016b). Imperfect information facilitates the evolution of reciprocity. Mathematical Biosciences, 276, 114-120. (doi: 10.1016j.mbs.2016.03.011)
- Li, X., Kurokawa, S., Giaimo, S., & Traulsen, A. (in press). How life history
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